Monday 12 November 2007

Twinks in Bootybay.

Darkiron <---"me" made up a potion witch he thought would help you fish out rare fish from the pools around stranglethorn vale. but unfortunatly i didnt work :( i got the boots again >.< and only 2 people in Hurricane got hat ^^ well i guess i'll just have to keep trying and get a potion that does work^^

Palemane my A$*! these are hoggers brother and sister!

If you cant see the writing it sasy "Hoggers Brother and sister?" but omg!!! my darkmoon fortune told me to go to mulgore and find a cave with a tree near it. After i had collected my fortune i walked into the cave and came up to these *ummm how do you put it...* Hogs? well now i hope you know when u go and travel to unfound places BEWARE! because sometimes they come out very ..BAD!