ok, well i think it was a bit too early but i was ready - i put on my casual outfit and got on my reindeer mount and took a ride to northshire valley.
i used to play on a USA realm before i got to EU and they used to have an easter egg hunt,
so i thought maybe EU would have their hunt for 2008 ready and eggs hidden but nope, nothing , nout , not 1 egg! , nothing around
shame realy
3:03 in the morning and my friend alec and i were guna enjoy being 1 of the first to get egg hunting:P
maybe another time.
im afraid i wount be logging on to world of warcraft for a while maybe a month untill i can get a new computer -
i have got steam now and since i got that theres been nothing but lagg on wow
so im going to get wow on my new computer in a month and then be back and ready to play with my old friends like alec , mella , patronum etc.
cya soon guys :)